
Clotilde Vivant

Shareholder since 2021-05-01

Technico commerciale lubrifiants industriels

Their company  : GP2C

1 collaborator shareholder

"Maman d'une petite fille, habitant en Savoie, j'aime profiter du terrain de jeu qui nous est offert. Au niveau professionnel, j'aime le challenge intellectuel et je cherche à faire réfléchir mes collègues sur nos façons de fonctionner."


2021: the year of the first selections and companies' creations. A memorable date, because on top of all that, it marks your arrival at Time!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who has acquired at least one share in 2021. There are currently 30068 shareholders who carry it.
Much more useful at Team for the Planet than in a grinder!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 200 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 14976 shareholders who carry it.
Everyone does their part and it counts!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 100 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 37514 shareholders who carry it.
Let's go for the buzz!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who owns at least 50 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 60858 shareholders who carry it.
Selfless and brilliant!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 10 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 116231 shareholders who carry it.
It's not the size that counts, it's the ant hill!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1 Team for the Planet share. There are currently 131138 shareholders who carry it.
Role actions
Magnifying glass
Congrats, you just started your quest as an Assessor!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all assessors who did at least 1 innovation assessment. There are currently 3698 shareholders who carry it.


Why I became a Team for the Planet shareholder

Depuis un moment je cherche à agir contre le dérèglement climatique. Les efforts dans ma vie personnelle sont une chose mais je pense que ce n'est pas suffisant. Enfin je trouve un endroit où je pourrai faire ma part et où les résultats se verront et auront un réel impact.

Would you like to join Clotilde Vivant and fight climate change on a large scale?