

Are you a TFTP shareholder?

Invest directly in our stars!

Cool Roof FranceAir BoosterCarbon TimeSeaturnsGeevENTENTShyvaMIDIPILEELOWBeyond The SeaLeviathan DynamicsArkeon EnergyMonomeris (ex crymirotech)

Investment opportunities in our stars

Closed subscription

Beyond The Sea

Rendre efficiente, universelle et incontournable la traction par kite des navires de toutes tailles.

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Closed subscription

Arkeon Energy

Pompe à chaleur nouvelle génération offrant une meilleure efficacité énergétique et une architecture adaptée aux bâtiments collectifs neufs et existants.

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Reserve your investment priority by registering for the launch event!

Team for the Planet innovations that pass the industrial stage need to increase their funding to accelerate 🚀

Of course, investment funds, banks and companies are keen to finance our innovations.

But we reserve you priority for direct investment in every Team for the Planet innovation 😎

How does direct investment work?


Invest in one or more stars

The stars are the companies behind Team for the Planet innovations: Beyond the Sea, Leviathan Dynamics, Coolroof, etc. You can become a direct shareholder in one or more of these stars. This is done through a Team for the Planet partner platform.


Will I make money this time?

Unlike your investment in Team for the Planet, when you invest directly in an innovation, you're guaranteed a financial return. The expected return is indicated for each innovation.


Share ownership

By investing directly, you become a shareholder in the company behind the innovation you've decided to fund. You are therefore both a shareholder in Team for the Planet and in one of its stars.


Me first!

As a Team for the Planet shareholder, you have priority for investment. If the maximum amount to be raised is reached, it's the speed of subscription that counts (first come, first served).

Frequently asked questions

Why allow financial return in direct investments and not in Team for the Planet?
At the time of investment, the platform that will carry the direct investment of our shareholders (Tudigo or Keenest), will create an SPV (special purpose vehicle), i.e. a company within which all shareholders wishing to invest in the Team for the Planet star will be grouped together.
You will therefore be a shareholder in this SPV, which will itself be a shareholder in the star.
This is the usual procedure when a large number of investors acquire a stake in a company, in order to facilitate its management.
Fees are paid by both the SPV and the "étoile" to manage the SPV during the years leading up to liquidity (when the SPV is dissolved), and to cover the costs of fund-raising (legal, communication, platform and personalized information fees, etc.).
When the SPV's shares are redeemed (see the "liquidity" section), the SPV company is dissolved, and the liquidation surplus is distributed among the shareholders. So, for example, if you have invested €10,000, and the SPV is redeemed 3 times its initial investment, you will receive €10,000 times 3 less the amount of the SPV's fees and taxes that apply to the capital gain.
Why doesn't Team for the Planet reinvest in innovation itself?
In principle, yes in almost all cases, but please check with the platform and/or your bank or legal advisor when you invest in the company.
If I make money, when is that?
In principle, yes in almost all cases, but please check with the platform and/or your bank or legal advisor when you invest in the company.
What are the risks of investing directly in stars?
Team for the Planet shareholders benefit from an advantage called "investment priority".
This means that for a period of time (from 1 to a few days, depending on the fundraising), only TFTP shareholders will be authorized to invest.
If the fundraising objective is reached, the fundraising stops and only TFTP shareholders will have been able to participate.
Once this period has elapsed, non-shareholders of Team for the Planet can in turn subscribe.
Who can invest?
Yes, there will be a more detailed annual report on the star in which you have invested.
Your representative for this star is one of the Team for the Planet managers, who will be your interface and will be able to provide you with more detailed information on its progress.
You emphasize patents on innovations, yet we're supposed to be promoting open source/free licenses
From a financial point of view, Team for the Planet investors who take shares in a star can realize a capital gain within a time horizon of around 5 to 7 years.
Liquidity depends on the existence of an exit opportunity, i.e. someone wanting to buy back the shares in the star held by the SPV. This liquidity is not guaranteed, and there is a risk of losing the entire investment if the star fails to be attractive.
Team for the Planet may, depending on the situation, intend to remain a shareholder in the company or to exit by reselling the shares.
The choice depends on the exit opportunities offered, the wishes of the founders, and discussions with the star's other shareholders (the SPV, and any investment funds present in the capital).
If Team for the Planet prefers to stay and this solution is possible, the SPV's shareholders will be able to exit in 3 possible ways:
  • by capital reduction (in this case, the star will buy back the SPV's shares with a capital gain). In most cases, this is done with the help of a bank, which will finance the share buyback (this is known as an LBO).
  • by a new shareholder wishing to take a stake in the company (an investment fund or industrialist), or by the company's management.
  • through a share buy-back by Team for the Planet, if TFTP has the means to do so and wishes to strengthen its capital position.

If Team for the Planet prefers to exit, the SPV's shareholders can exit by a third party (investment fund or industrialist) buying back 100% of the star's shares.
There are specific clauses in the shareholder pacts that TFTP signs with its stars, which guarantee that the SPV and TFTP will not be "stuck" without possible liquidity:
  • Implementation of the tag along clause: when the founders lose control of the company to a shareholder or a third party (following share sales or the issue of new shares), this clause offers investors who so choose immediate liquidity on the same terms as those offered.
  • Liquidity through the secondary market: You can resell the shares you hold in the SPV at any time. They are not subject to an approval right, which means that you can sell your shares.
What are the motivations for calling on the investment? Is there a "TFTP" advantage, on the share price or otherwise?
Team for the Planet only offers shareholders the opportunity to invest directly in innovations that have achieved their technical and commercial objectives, i.e. that have already significantly de-risked the investment compared to when TFTP first invested.
The following steps are generally completed and validated:
  • the CEO recruited by TFTP is in place and forms a functional duo with the innovator(s)
  • the first customer has been found and sales generated
  • the technical development milestones that TFTP's investment allowed for in the investment note projections have been achieved.

These are the basic criteria, but exceptions may be proposed. Please refer to the proposed fundraising documentation for each star.
Investment is open to all?
Yes, all TFTP shareholders have access to direct investment.
What is the minimum investment?
The amount will depend on the particular fundraising. On average, it will range from €500 to €1,000, but may be higher or lower than this in some cases.
What is the risk of loss?
Investing in an innovative, immature SME is a risky business. It's essential not to invest more than you can afford to lose without consequences for your everyday life.
What is the timeframe for profitability?
We estimate the SPV's ability to exit the star to be between 5 and 7 years. It is therefore within this timeframe that a return on investment can be achieved.
How do you choose which platform to use to raise funds for the star?
We can work with any type of platform: Tudigo, Keenest, Lita or others. The choice is made according to the type of investor targeted (more professional or more general public), the amount to be invested, and availability at the time.
Who manages financial transactions and reporting?
The fund-raising platform usually offers a reporting system enabling you to track the star's progress on a quarterly basis.
Example: https: //
How is the share price assessed, and by whom?
The share price is negotiated between the platform and the star.
What's the financial return?
The platform will generally evaluate a range of potential financial returns. Be aware that these ranges are very difficult to calculate.
What return in terms of climate dividends?
The climate dividend will be distributed to the SPV, which will then redistribute the individual climate dividend to each shareholder.
What is the current value of the star I want to invest in?
The valuation at which Team for the Planet is entered is available in the initial investment memorandum, itself available on the star presentation sheet on the TFTP website. The proposed valuation for the direct shareholder investment round will generally be higher.
What are the associated costs?
Team for the Planet negotiates preferential conditions with the platforms. Fees are negotiated on a project-by-project basis. They are announced by the platform on the dedicated fundraising website.
Is it stocks or bonds?
The proposed investments are in equities.
What information do I have access to before making this investment? What "sensitive" information do I have access to?
The information provided on the platform is what you need to make your decision with a full understanding of the issues at stake. It's more detailed than Team for the Planet's standard reporting, and comes from the analysis of the platform, which has a dedicated team and accepts only a small proportion of the projects submitted to it.
To "reassure" the investment, will there be a link between personal investment and TFTP investment (such as a matching contribution)?
In general, Team for the Planet reinvests just before or at the same time as associates who subscribe to direct investments.
Is it possible to invest in cryptocurrency?
Yes, for projects using the Keenest platform, no for others.
Do we take part in AGMs?
No, only the representative of the SPV in which you are a shareholder will take part in the Star's AGMs.
However, TFTP's representative on the Star will always be available to answer any questions you may have, all year round.

Reserve your investment priority by registering for the launch event!