
Greenhouse gases: who are the culprits?

Published on February 19, 2025


Analyzing the global distribution of greenhouse gases is complex. Not technically complex. Rather, it’s difficult because it can be analyzed from several different angles that give different perspectives.

In other words, if you’re looking for culprits, it’s easy to come to a personal conclusion.

Take CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.

Recent analysis of emissions by continent is unequivocal.

Asia is the first culprit!

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Yet, if we look at these same emissions but at a per capita level,

Oceania and North America are the bad apples – no doubt about it!

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Let’s take a step back and consider cumulative CO2 emissions since 1850.

In view of historical proportions, Europe is the primary emitter after all!

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Now, let's look to the future. Naturally there is great uncertainty as to future CO2 emissions. That said, the UN study of demographic growth shows a clear trend.

Africa will play a major role in CO2 emissions in the future!

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Team for the Planet doesn’t search for culprits. We focus on finding solutions.

We also analyze the distribution of greenhouse gas emissions. But we use the results to assess the potential and pertinence of rolling innovations out across different continents, depending on local stakes.

Global warming is a world-wide problem. It affects us all.

To fight global warming, the solution will be global. We must all make the effort.