Les 'points Team' sont attribués selon l'adéquation de la solution avec le type d'innovations recherchées par Team for the Planet. Ils correspondent à l'analyse de plusieurs facteurs :
Soumises à évaluations : Après avoir été pré-filtrées afin de vérifier qu’elles répondent bien à l’un des 20 problèmes traités par Team for the Planet et qu’elles ont le degré de maturité attendu, les innovations sont soumises à évaluation.
Powerful cells made from cheap, abundant and environmentally friendly materials.
Li-ion battery technology has reached 87% of its commercially achievable cell limit for energy density; acquiring the remaining 13% will be costly and slow with limited returns on investments. The fundamental limitation is at the electrode level and cannot change unless electrodes are re-engineered.
HIPERSSYS is developing advanced hybrid nanostructured electrode architectures that enable the fabrication of Li-ion batteries with theoretical specific energies that are five times higher than that of today’s commercial batteries.
Consumer electronics devices, electric vehicles, grid scale energy storage, as well as aviation, aeronautical and defense. Our potential clients are businesses that integrate Li-ion batteries in their products, such as Group Renault, HP, Proinso, etc
HIPERSSYS provides metal-free, Silicon-Sulfur, Li-ion battery, and is free of binders and additives. While commercial batteries include binders and additives which add a dead weight (15-20%) to the battery. HIPERSSYS has a novel technique for the fabrication of Li-ion battery electrodes based on the bottom-up hierarchical nano-structuration principle.