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Los puntos de los equipos se conceden en función de la adecuación de la solución al tipo de innovación buscada por Team for the Planet. Se basan en el análisis de una serie de factores:

  • potencial de impacto: puntuación media de impacto > 4 => 0,5 puntos / si > 4,15 => 1 punto.
  • coherencia global: todas las puntuaciones medias de los 6 criterios de selección > 2,5 => 1 punto.
  • coup de Coeur: % de encuestados que consideran que la innovación es la mejor forma de actuar a gran escala contra los gases de efecto invernadero > 20% => 1 punto
  • focalización: validación del ámbito de intervención del Equipo superior al 90% => 0,5 puntos + nivel de madurez inno suficiente => 0,5 puntos
  • aceptación social: puntuación del análisis semántico para comentarios > 0 => 0,5 puntos/ si > 3500 => 1 punto
76 evaluaciones

Sujetas a pruebas económicas : Las innovaciones que el Comité Científico considera científicamente realizables se someten a pruebas para comprobar su viabilidad económica. Los directores generales son responsables de la elección.

CarbonFiberStone is the new sustainable steel: zero corrosion, zero waste, zero carbon.

El efecto palanca utilizado
Zero emissions
El sector empresarial
Descubra nuestro campo de acción arrow_forward
Fecha de presentación 9 de agosto de 2021 Fundadores Stephan Savarese Urbanización Francia

El proyecto en detalle

Nota: este formulario debe ser cumplimentado en su totalidad por las personas que proponen la innovación.

¿Qué problema se ha resuelto?

The production of steel, concrete, and aluminum is responsible for more than 15% of the world's CO2 emissions, significant pollution, and the danger of depleting ecosystems and natural resources (water, sediments, iron ore) before 2050. A sustainable and high-performance technology is missing. See the video pitch:

¿Cómo se resuelve?

Our patented process replaces steel: we are the first to bend stone without breaking it. We have simply discovered a little-known property of the most abundant stones! But to do this, we had to think about combining it with high-tech materials from the aerospace era. The first impact studies were conducted in 2021 with the help of CleanTechOpen and Clean Energy Ventures. They are available in English: - GHG Emission Reduction Potential: - SERC: https://cloud.tctf. eu/s/99xcHQ8yDX9BF7g In summary: it is assumed that from 2040 onwards, CFS will replace half of the world's steel production (at least 2 billion tons per year), with the following progression: 2025: ten thousand tons per year 2030: one million tons per year 2040: one billion tons per year Replacing one ton of steel saves about 1 ton of CO2 (0.5 tons for recycled steel, more than 2 tons of CO2 per ton of high quality or stainless steel). Docn the potential at scale is about 1 billion tons of CO2 saved, without counting: 1. the substitution of concrete which will start to occur around 2030 (cf. new 2020 regulation in France which will penalize not only steel, but also concrete, from 2028). 2. future versions of CFS, carbon-negative thanks to the integration of Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) 3. emissions avoided upstream and downstream of the chain thanks to the lightening and the extension of the life span of the structures, see this article of the Cahiers Techniques du Bâtiment: 4. integral recycling to reach the objective of zero waste 5. other positive externalities which are currently the subject of research and technical-economic studies

¿Quiénes son los clientes potenciales?

All industrial steel users (buildings, infrastructure, heavy equipment) can replace all or part of their steel consumption: 1.2 billion of the 1.8 billion tons of steel produced each year + part of the concrete

¿En qué se diferencia esta solución?

Pragmatic: available, already low carbon and high performance (no competitor comes close because TechnoCarbon has the performance of high performance concrete and steel for a fraction of the emissions and environmental footprint). Futuristic: creates a carbon sink in buildings, infrastructure and industry by integrating negative emission technologies, fulfilling the IPCC recommendation (IPCC SR15, chap. 4, 2018)