
Valérie Vuillemot

Dirigeante d'entreprise

Their company  : SAS Endeavour Development France

1 collaborator shareholder

"Créatrice de valeur durable & Architecte de transformation des entreprises pour co-construire un monde d’harmonie dans le respect, le prendre soin, la joie du vivre ensemble. J'aime l'invisible de Saint Exupéry : "on emprunte la Terre à nos enfants". Passionnée de jardinage, de sport et de cuisine, je suis engagée dans des associations en faveur de l'inclusion."


Role actions
Magnifying glass
Congrats, you just started your quest as an Assessor!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all assessors who did at least 1 innovation assessment. There are currently 3698 shareholders who carry it.
Magnifying glass
Obviously, you look gorgeous under this magnifying glass!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all assessors who did at least 2 innovation assessments. There are currently 2515 shareholders who carry it.
Magnifying glass
A two-star magnifying glass makes it possible to search for innovations even at night. Or so we heard ;).
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all assessors who did at least 3 innovation assessments. There are currently 1859 shareholders who carry it.
GM May 2022
This GM saw the validation of the 4th, 5th and 6th investments in the history of Team for the Planet!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all those who participated to the General Meeting that took place in May 2022 in Paris. There are currently 1266 shareholders who carry it.


Why I became a Team for the Planet shareholder

Chouette d'apporter une "pierre" à l'édifice ... il est grand temps d'agir et d'accélérer la mutation économique, écologique et sociétale. L'intelligence collective est un trésor

Would you like to join Valérie Vuillemot and fight climate change on a large scale?