


star star star star star_half

'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :

  • impact potential: impact average score > 4 => 0,5 point / if > 4,15 => 1 point.
  • global consistency: all average score of the 6 selection criteria > 2,5 => 1 point.
  • the favourite: % of assessments judge the innovation as a top one to act on a global scale against greenhouse gases > 20% => 1 point
  • the targeting: validation of Team for the Planet scope of action higher than 90% => 0,5 point + innovation level of maturity is enough => 0,5 point
  • social acceptability: semantic analysis score of comments > 0 => 0,5 point/ if > 3500 => 1 point
41 assessments

Submitted to the Sci. Committee : After the evaluations made by our volunteer assessors, innovations with the strongest impact potential are submitted to the Scientific Committee. The managing directors are responsible for the choice.

The key to shift the construction industry towards material-efficient solutions

Submission date August 31, 2021 Founders Quisco Mena Development location Spain

Detailed project

NB: this form is filled entirely by the ones submitting the innovation.

What is the issue addressed?

Massive, uncontrolled material overuse of structural materials in buildings. Undervalued role of structural engineers, considered mere code-compliers. Underweigh of the structure's importance in Green Building Rating Systems.

How is the problem solved?

The metric "Structural Efficiency" objectively assesses the proper use of materials in building structures. Demonstrates >90% material savings are possible, (we have reached 92% already) Empowers structural engineers (demonstrate optimisation) and improves structure's assessment by GBRSs

What is the customer target?

Engineers, Architects and Contractors using the exclusive software tools to calculate structural efficiency. Developers getting those results independently certified.

How is this solution different?

It is specifically structural, independent from materials, building use or shape, location... thus the only way to empower engineers by demonstrating their added value through material optimisation. It is specific but entirely objective, and fully compatible / complementary to any other metric or sustainable initiative for buildings.