
Leviathan Dynamics

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  • Wirkungspotenzial: durchschnittliche Bewertung der Wirkung > 4 => 0,5 Punkte / wenn > 4,15 => 1 Punkt.
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  • Favoritenrolle: Prozentsatz der Bewertungen, die ermessen, dass die Innovation als Top-Innovation eine tiefgreifende Wirkung gegen Treibhausgasemissionen erzielen kann > 20% => 1 Punkt.
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75 Bewertungen

Producing cold efficiently and sustainably, by replacing hazardous and polluting refrigerants with water.

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Entreprise fondée en Dezember 2016
Fondateurs Karino Kang
Effectif -
Date d'entrée de TFTP 17. Januar 2022
Investissement de TFTP 1.850.000 €
Détention de TFTP -

The projet in details

Welches Problem wird gelöst?

With global warming, the need for cooling is increasing. Current technologies use fluorinated refrigerants, which have a very high global warming potential, to generate cold. Known alternatives to these refrigerants are causing other environmental and safety issues and are therefore not recommended. Aware that cooling is essential to human activities, Leviathan Dynamics has developed a technology that can meet this need, for industry first and for comfort later, while limiting the impact of cooling down places on global warming.

Wie wird es gelöst?

We use the most natural of refrigerants, water, in an innovative mechanical stream compression cycle. This enables us to offer machines that do not use refrigerants that add to global warming while reducing the energy consumption of the machines by 30 %.

Wer sind die potenziellen Kunden?

In the first place, the industry sector who uses coolers all year round. We are particularly interested in the plastics, mechanical, digital and chemical industries. with this type of process, we can reduce energy consumption by 30% in nominal operation and by 50 % over a full year.

Inwiefern differenziert sich diese Lösung von anderen?

The main innovations are: 1/ the development of a very compact multi-stage high-speed centrifugal compressor technology that is suitable to vacuum water steam 2/ the use of a direct exchange thermodynamic cycle that allows an improvement of energy efficiency by around 30 %.

Find all the key information about this innovation.

The team

Naoufel Menadi

Alan Chauvin

Karino Kang